DMS for the Pros

The Motivation

Teams and Competitions Management made easy and accessible.

Have you ever experienced the chaos of organizing a Domino Competition? The struggles of coordinating teams, players, and matches can be overwhelming. But fear not! With our flagship Domino Management System (DMS), you'll have full control over every aspect of your competition.

From seamless team and player registration to automatic match fixture generation, feature match flagging, and beyond, our DCMS streamlines the entire process. Say goodbye to the days of tedious scorecard management - our built-in scoring system handles match scoring effortlessly.

Empowering Domino enthusiasts with seamless team and competition management, bridging the gap between passion and organization.


Plus, with real-time score broadcasting for subscribers, player statistics tracking, custom rule implementation, or comprehensive reporting tools, our platform empowers you to customize and optimize every aspect of your event, our DCMS revolutionizes the way we manage domino competitions. Take control, simplify your process, and elevate your domino game.


Domino competitions are thrilling events, but orchestrating them can be a daunting task but with the DCMS by Domino101, the complexities of registration, organizing teams, players, and matches melt away. Gone are the days of manual match fixture generation. Our DCMS automates the process, saving you time and reducing errors. What's more, our feature match flagging ensures that key matchups receive the attention they deserve, enhancing the excitement for players and spectators alike.

That's not all - our DCMS isn't just about logistics. It's about enhancing the entire domino experience. Tired of juggling scorecards? Our built-in scoring system takes care of everything, from match scoring to real-time score broadcasting for subscribers. With this seamless integration, you can focus on enjoying the competition rather than worrying about paperwork.

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